日本国の対韓十か条の要求その3-名誉棄損と誣告の停止:The Ten Demands to South Korea Part3
邦文 名誉棄損と誣告の停止
English: Discontinuance of defamation and false accusation
On August 22, 1910, the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty, in which the Emperor of Korea transferred his sovereignty to the Emperor of Japan, was concluded in the end. The Annexation of Korea did not result from any war. In those days, nations of the Far East were under the threat of expansive policy of the Empire of Russia and some rivals to Russia, such as the British Empire, had interests to stabilize and fortify this region. By this treaty Japan took responsibility for the defense of throughout the Korean Peninsula and for the welfare of Korean people.
After the World War II, on September 8, 1951, Japan signed the Peace Treaty and approved the independence of Korea officially. Furthermore, in 1965 Japan and South Korea, with the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea, reached an agreement settling all problems and issues regarding properties and claims of both two countries, including those of individual citizens, during the period of the Annexation of Korea completely and finally.
Since the later 1980s, however, South Korea launched a hostile propaganda to denounce Japan as a crime state, especially, appealing the problem of ‘comfort women.’ On August 4, 1993, under pressure of South Korea requiring Japan to apologize and to take proper actions for the problem of ‘comfort women,’ the then Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan, Yohei Kono, released a statement to forgive for Asian female war victims in the period of the World War II. Following this statement, the government of Japan founded Asian Women's Fund in 1994 for supporting female war victims who complained their damages during the war period.
In reality, the Kono Statement was a compromise of Japan after sensitive political negotiation with the government of South Korea. During the negotiation, it is said that the government of South Korea promised that they would never raise any “historical problem,” if Japan accepted the involvement of the Japanese army in compulsive recruitments of comfort women.
Regardless of the agreement, South Korea not only broke it, but also escalated the anti-Japan campaign. Now in the U.S, for example Glendale, California, we find some monuments of comfort women with epigraphs engraving extravagated expressions, “ more than 200,000 women and girls who were abdicated by the armed forces of the government of imperial Japan,” “forced into sexual slavery,” “unconscionable violations of human rights,” and so on.
Even if few Japanese military officers or soldiers infringed military disciplines or laws of war during the World War II, the government of Japan never ordered the army to force more than 200,000 foreign women into slavery. Even in the Kono Statement, it is descripted that comfort women were practically recruited by private companies, sometimes by honeyed words. It is a fact they, maybe prostitutes of a kind of military brothel, were highly paid. Padding number of victims and impeaching Japan as a terrible crime state having violated the human rights and dignities, are just the crimes of defamation and false accusations to Japan. Japan has protective rights to demand to South Korea to discontinue these crime acts.
<a href="http://blog.with2.net/in.php?626231">人気ブログランキングへ</a>
邦文 名誉棄損と誣告の停止
English: Discontinuance of defamation and false accusation
On August 22, 1910, the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty, in which the Emperor of Korea transferred his sovereignty to the Emperor of Japan, was concluded in the end. The Annexation of Korea did not result from any war. In those days, nations of the Far East were under the threat of expansive policy of the Empire of Russia and some rivals to Russia, such as the British Empire, had interests to stabilize and fortify this region. By this treaty Japan took responsibility for the defense of throughout the Korean Peninsula and for the welfare of Korean people.
After the World War II, on September 8, 1951, Japan signed the Peace Treaty and approved the independence of Korea officially. Furthermore, in 1965 Japan and South Korea, with the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea, reached an agreement settling all problems and issues regarding properties and claims of both two countries, including those of individual citizens, during the period of the Annexation of Korea completely and finally.
Since the later 1980s, however, South Korea launched a hostile propaganda to denounce Japan as a crime state, especially, appealing the problem of ‘comfort women.’ On August 4, 1993, under pressure of South Korea requiring Japan to apologize and to take proper actions for the problem of ‘comfort women,’ the then Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan, Yohei Kono, released a statement to forgive for Asian female war victims in the period of the World War II. Following this statement, the government of Japan founded Asian Women's Fund in 1994 for supporting female war victims who complained their damages during the war period.
In reality, the Kono Statement was a compromise of Japan after sensitive political negotiation with the government of South Korea. During the negotiation, it is said that the government of South Korea promised that they would never raise any “historical problem,” if Japan accepted the involvement of the Japanese army in compulsive recruitments of comfort women.
Regardless of the agreement, South Korea not only broke it, but also escalated the anti-Japan campaign. Now in the U.S, for example Glendale, California, we find some monuments of comfort women with epigraphs engraving extravagated expressions, “ more than 200,000 women and girls who were abdicated by the armed forces of the government of imperial Japan,” “forced into sexual slavery,” “unconscionable violations of human rights,” and so on.
Even if few Japanese military officers or soldiers infringed military disciplines or laws of war during the World War II, the government of Japan never ordered the army to force more than 200,000 foreign women into slavery. Even in the Kono Statement, it is descripted that comfort women were practically recruited by private companies, sometimes by honeyed words. It is a fact they, maybe prostitutes of a kind of military brothel, were highly paid. Padding number of victims and impeaching Japan as a terrible crime state having violated the human rights and dignities, are just the crimes of defamation and false accusations to Japan. Japan has protective rights to demand to South Korea to discontinue these crime acts.
<a href="http://blog.with2.net/in.php?626231">人気ブログランキングへ</a>